result count: 5

Sys420278_nameOpening the Secret Passageway
Sys420278_shortnoteAfter entering the Ancestral Knowledge, you become surrounded by a group of minotaur soldiers. At this point Aukuda suddenly appeared to help you escape. Later you found Aukuda, who asked you to help in the fight and go to the Room of Confession to open the mechanism for the Secret Path.
Sys420278_szquest_accept_detailYou must know that we are fighting invaders who sullied our sacred ground and started a war. They can summon many monsters. The guardians we have to defend our sacred ground are not enough to stop those monsters. They're waiting for relief.\n\nOf course, that doesn't mean the enemy will wait, though! Their goal is the Offerings Chamber. Inside are treasures that have been handed down for generations. If they're taken away, not only will it bring shame on the guardians there, but it will bring great calamity to the whole clan. Therefore, I have decided that I must fight.\n\nI know that there is a secret passage inside the altar. If I can lead a small team through the passage, then we can get to the Offerings Chamber before the invaders. We can defend the treasure much easier from inside.\n\nHowever, it isn't that simple. The men who I sent to open up the hidden passageway have reported back that the room where the mechanism is located is already full of monsters. I don't have enough men to eliminate those monsters. So I need your help. I need you to exterminate the monsters and operate the mechanism which opens the passageway.\n\nThe mechanism is down the passageway ahead, in the Room of Confession. It is a [110248|Stone Statue]. You just have to turn it.
Sys420278_szquest_complete_detailYou did it! I heard the mechanism of the passageway opening!\nBut our work is not done yet!
Sys420278_szquest_descGo to the Room of confession, kill the monsters inside, and turn the [110248|Stone Statue] to open the hidden passageway.