result count: 5

Sys420279_nameExtinguish the Flame Trap
Sys420279_shortnoteAfter you open the Secret Path, Aukuda further asked you to stop the flame mechanism on the Secret Path. He also asked you to take the holy water from the Prophesy Pool to put out the brazier in the Room of Concentration.
Sys420279_szquest_accept_detailThe hidden passageway has been opened, but the passageway itself is not that simple.\nI can organize some elite fighters, and these men will go through the passageway and protect the Offerings Chamber.\n\nBut before we can do this, I have one more thing I need your help with.\n\nThe passageway is full of endlessly burning flames. The mechanism which extinguishes these flames is in the Room of Concentration below us. There is a [110250|Brazier] there which never dies. Extinguishing that [110250|Brazier] will extinguish the flames in the passageway.\n\nTo extinguish it, the flame needs to come in contact with [200734|Holy Water] that can be found in the Pool of Prophecy in the middle of the Great Hall ahead.\n\nWe will wait for your report before moving. Please help us. I don't want to be leading roast beef into battle!
Sys420279_szquest_complete_detailThe troops are ready! This news is our signal to head to battle!
Sys420279_szquest_descGo to the Pool of Prophecy in the Great Hall and collect [200734|Holy Water]. Afterwards, go to the Room of Concentration and extinguish the [110250|Brazier] to clear the flames in the passageway.