result count: 5

Sys420286_shortnoteAccording to the shadow, it came from his corpse. You found that the ghost may have been buried in a place with three trees together near the road, and that the place might be very close to Frostwood Valley. After searching for it based on these descriptions, you found the corpse actually had been dead for a period of time. heavy...roots...tie me down...\nMinotaur...stench...\nHorse hooves...sound of wheels...bone...shake...\nAh...[ZONE_HAROLFE TRADING POST|Harf Trading Post] bell...\nLet me...leave...I want to...return...Harf\\nRelease me...go...Release me...go...
Sys420286_szquest_complete_detailYou feel that the soil under your feet is more comfortable here than in other areas. You try digging around a little. You discover human remains. They're already decomposed beyond recognition. From the dress you can see that it was probably an aristocrat or noble.
Sys420286_szquest_descAccording to the [110264|Shadow's] muttering, he buried something under a tree near the road to [ZONE_HAROLFE TRADING POST|Harf Trading Post]. You should take a look.