result count: 5

Sys420343_shortnoteTatus was very angry after reading the letter. He told you why he left Karzak Camp and his father, and wants you to tell Chailik that he will never meet with Chailik again.
Sys420343_szquest_accept_detailSo...father...!\nI am not going back!\nI used to worship my father once, but I clearly see that he is nothing but a coward!\nA coward without the courage to avenge his own people!\n\nDid you know how the citizens of the Order of Dark Glory used to treat the people of our tribe on this plateau?\nThose tribal people were not warriors; they were just civilians who wanted to gather seeds. They believed that the city people and their leader would honor the agreement not to hurt the canyon...\n\nBut this gang of city people suddenly appeared in front of us. The hunters protecting us were killed when questioning them. Afterwards, they surrounded us...\nThey grabbed me, held me down, and forced me to witness them laughing and tearing the limbs off my tribal people alive!\nAmongst them were my sister and the baby in her stomach!\nThat was the most evil behavior I have ever seen, but I couldn't even shut my eyes...\n\nAfter such a thing, I couldn't believe that my father didn't want to find those people for revenge. He said that starting a war with the Order of Dark Glory would lead to the perishing of our tribe. Making it seem like it was wrong for my brother in law, Anors, wanting to fight back...what a coward! Running away from a fight with the enemy!\n\nGo back and tell my father that I am completely disappointed in him. I will use my power to avenge my tribe, I will use my blood to make my enemy regret what they have done. Unless if it is beside my ancestral sprit, I will not see my father again!
Sys420343_szquest_complete_detailIt's not that I don't want revenge; they were also my family and friends.\n\nBut the goal of sparing [100430|Tatus'] life was to ignite my tribe's hatred against the Order of Dark Glory. I couldn't lead my people into battle with the Order of Dark Glory and watch my enemy happily achieve his goal...\n\nSo I would rather stay here carrying this disgraceful offense, with the purpose of finding the real enemy.\n\n[100430|Tatus]...unfortunately, I won't be able to teach him what real courage is. Hopefully, the ancestral spirits will be able to guide him back onto the proper path.\n\nThank you for bringing me hope for this brief moment. Even though knowing that it would eventually disappear, I still need to show you my appreciation.
Sys420343_szquest_descPass on [100430|Tatus'] message back to [110327|Chailik].