result count: 6

Sys420350_nameMarse's Tenderness
Sys420350_shortnoteAccording to the description in the diary, the statue in the treasure chest should be given to Rosa in Peerston Farm.
Sys420350_szquest_accept_detailSo you have found Marse's diary...\n\nI haven't heard of news of his death yet! But, having not heard from in in so long, it was most likely bad news rather than good...\n\nI actually finished this statue a long time ago, and I knew that he wanted to give it to Rosa. However, he didn't come to pick it up and I don't know where Rosa lives.\n\nSince it is written in the diary that he is from Peerston Farm in the Plain of Silverspring, Rosa is probably there as well. I think it would be best to return all his belongings to her. Why don't you bring this diary and statue back to her!\n\nI still have work to do; it's all up to you now!
Sys420350_szquest_complete_detailNo...Marse...\n\nThis is really Marse' writing...I...can't believe it...Marse...He...Everything he did for me...\n\nThese are the last items that my love, Marse, left for me...I will treasure them with my life!\n\nThank you for fulfilling his wish...
Sys420350_szquest_descGive the statue in the treasure box and [200936|Marse's Military Journal] to [110019|Rosa Peerston] on [ZONE_PILSTEIN FIELDS|Peerston Farm] in the Plain of Silverspring.
Sys420350_szquest_uncomplete_detailYou came from [ZONE_DUSTBLOOM CANYON|Dust Devil Canyon]? I'd like to ask you about someone...