result count: 5

Sys420390_nameBring Me Fish Egg Sandwiches
Sys420390_szquest_accept_detailYou want to learn more cooking skills? Oh! I am so touched!\nI never expected you to be so motivated! I'd be happy to teach you more cooking skills!\n\nBut before that, let's complete a small job first. Do you know how to make [<S>200096|Fish Egg Sandwiches]? I want you to make 5 of them. Yum!\n\nThough it is a very simple task, there's a great deal to learn from it! Come on! I will root for you!
Sys420390_szquest_complete_detailThe color... the smell... Oh! You are wonderful!\nDid you know that the secret of [<S>200096|Fish Egg Sandwiches] is actually in the sauce, and how long you cook it. I am really happy that you have mastered both aspects to such an advanced level! You make me very happy!\n\nBut this is not enough. Our ultimate objective is more ambitious!\nLet's work together to strive for that objective! Ok?
Sys420390_szquest_descBring 5 [<S>200096|Fish Egg Sandwiches] to [110388|Marlyn Cooker], Novice Cooking Instructor in [ZONE_VARANAS|Varanas].
Sys420390_szquest_uncomplete_detailDon't lose heart. You must believe in yourself! You can do it!\nLook! The glittering stars and the shining sun! It seems they are telling us that if we move forward, we will have a bright future!