result count: 5

Sys420397_nameThe Strict Instructor Blag
Sys420397_szquest_accept_detailYou still want to learn expert blacksmithing skills from me?\n\nWoo! You're a right annoying chap! But I can't say no. \n\n'Tis in my job description. \n\nLet's make a deal! If ya can make a [210094|Blade of the Feather's Edge], then I promise to teach ya expert blacksmithing skills. \n\nDon't tell me that ya dun' even know what a [210094|Blade of the Feather's Edge] is!
Sys420397_szquest_complete_detailI mus' admit it's not too bad. Yes! The fact that ya made such a thing proves ya have what it takes to learn from me, [110389|Blag Smith]. \n\nOK! Let me teach ya some expert skills now!\n\nBut ya must not be all boastful wit' what I show ya! I can make such a thing in my sleep!
Sys420397_szquest_descMake a [210094|Blade of the Feather's Edge] and give it to [110389|Blag Smith], Expert Blacksmithing Instructor.
Sys420397_szquest_uncomplete_detailYa really dun know what a [210094|Blade of the Feather's Edge] is, do ya? Haven't ya learnt it yet?