result count: 5

Sys420417_nameSpider Venom
Sys420417_shortnoteGet 15 units of [200616|Spider Venom] and give them to the [110051|Highly-skilled Doctor] in Logar.
Sys420417_szquest_accept_detailThis quest was given by the [110051|Highly-skilled Doctor]:\n\n"In order to make antivenom medicine, I need spider's venom to start my research."\n\nRequired items: 5 samples of [200616|Spider Venom]\n\nOnce you have completed this request, please report to the [110051|Highly-skilled Doctor] in [ZONE_ROGSHIRE|Logar].
Sys420417_szquest_complete_detailCollecting this venom must have been hard work for you!\n\nAfter all, this task is too dangerous for an average person. Thanks for your help!
Sys420417_szquest_descCollect 5 samples of [200616|Spider Venom] and return them to the [110051|Highly-skilled Doctor] in [ZONE_ROGSHIRE|Logar].