result count: 5
keystring | pl | eneu |
Sys420436_name | Dostawy dla Morza Śniegu | Supplying the Sea of Snow |
Sys420436_szquest_accept_detail | Musimy zawieźć te [<S>200881|Zapasy z Morza Śniegu] do [ZONE_SNOWFIELD OUTPOST|Obozu Morza Śniegu], ale mamy za mało ludzi. Może zechcesz nam w tym pomóc?\n\nPo prostu zanieś parę rzeczy [110273|Siping] do obozu na [ZONE_FIELDS OF SNOW|Morzu Śniegu]. | We have to take these [<S>200881|Sea of Snow Supplies] to the [ZONE_SNOWFIELD OUTPOST|Sea of Snow Camp] but we don't have enough men. How do you feel about helping us do a run?\n\nJust deliver the stuff to [110273|Siping] at the [ZONE_FIELDS OF SNOW|Sea of Snow] Campground and that'll be fine. |
Sys420436_szquest_complete_detail | Dziękuję za przyniesienie zapasów. | Thanks for bringing the supplies across. |
Sys420436_szquest_desc | Dostarcz [<S>200881|Zapasy z Morza Śniegu] do [ZONE_SNOWFIELD OUTPOST|Obozu Morza Śniegu], gdzie odbierze je [110273|Siping]. | Deliver the [<S>200881|Sea of Snow Supplies] to [110273|Siping] at the [ZONE_SNOWFIELD OUTPOST|Sea of Snow Camp]. |
Sys420436_szquest_uncomplete_detail | Zapasy? Jakie zapasy?! Nie widzę tu ani jednego z moich zapasów! Na pewno nic nie zostało w Punkcie Handlowym? | Supplies? What supplies?! I can't see any of my goods! Are you sure you didn't just leave them back at the Trading Post? |