result count: 5

Sys420440_nameAnnoying Snow Ferrets
Sys420440_szquest_accept_detailHave you seen the Ystra Snow Ferrets darting about everywhere?\n\nA lot of people think they are cute, but I just take one look at them, especially their little wings, and I get so angry I want to puke! There's no such thing as ferrets with wings! They really are disgusting!\n\nHelp me reduce the number of [<S>100124|Ystra Snow Ferrets] around here and stop these little freaks hurting my eyeballs.
Sys420440_szquest_complete_detailAh! Not seeing those Ystra Snow Ferrets has put me in a much better mood. You probably don't understand, but I still want to thank you for your help.
Sys420440_szquest_descHelp [110472|Arbus] at [ZONE_HAROLFE TRADING POST|Harf Trading Post] kill 15 [<S>100124|Ystra Snow Ferrets].
Sys420440_szquest_uncomplete_detailOh my God! I can see another one in my backyard! Oh no! Quickly, wipe out those little critters!