result count: 5

Sys420453_nameThey Deserve It
Sys420453_szquest_accept_detailPirates! They are bloodthirsty and inhuman. That evening, they completely destroyed [ZONE_JILTED TOWN|Ghost Town].\n\nThey should pay the price for acts like this. Even though they are already dead, they shouldn't be given peace!\n\nThe hero [101607|Black Swordsman], who fought against the pirates, arrived one step too late and there was no way to stop the tragedy from occurring. However, he made the pirates feel the same terror. They fled down the same route that [ZONE_JILTED TOWN|Ghost Town's] citizens had taken. The [101607|Black Swordsman] caught and killed the pirates. The pirates also became ghosts roaming the mountain pass.\n\nI want vengeance! Help me by making 10 [<S>101583|Fierce Pirate Revenants] die once more!
Sys420453_szquest_complete_detailI thank you wholeheartedly. It feel much more at peace now...
Sys420453_szquest_desc[112264|Femini's Spirit] of [ZONE_THRONE OF THE WIND|Throne of the Wind] wants you to kill 10 [<S>101583|Fierce Pirate Revenants].
Sys420453_szquest_uncomplete_detailCursed pirates! This is your payback!