result count: 5

Sys420477_nameLost Company Member
Sys420477_szquest_accept_detailWhat happened?\n\nOne of our company, Ryan, went to [ZONE_CAIRN HILL|Barrow] to spy on the Kobolds, but he hasn't come back yet. If you get any information regarding his whereabouts, please let me know.
Sys420477_szquest_complete_detailThis was left by Ryan... hmmm... Let me see it...\n\nAlas... He was a valuable member of our party, and his loss is a great one. I will report this to the headquarters and request that they take good care of his family.
Sys420477_szquest_descFind a clue about where Ryan may be. He was a guard in the Third Company. Report your findings to [110062|Furganda].
Sys420477_szquest_uncomplete_detailRyan has always been a cautious fellow. He didn't return this time, though, and I'm afraid something happened to him.