result count: 5

Sys420517_nameRusty Weapons
Sys420517_szquest_accept_detailHail, new adventurer! How is your journey? It looks like you're adjusting well! \n\nWhen the members of our Adventurers' Guild require practice, they check in with the leader. But there's no rush, so go ahead and explore [ZONE_VARANAS|Varanas] for a bit. If you're heading out, please do me a favor and deliver this [200256|Rusted Weapon] to the owner of the blacksmith shop, [110541|Alden], for repair. He really is an excellent craftsman.\n\nWhen you arrived on this continent, you were immediately sent to [ZONE_HINTERVALE|Pioneers Colony], correct? Hmm... So you're probably not that familiar with [ZONE_VARANAS|Varanas] yet. The blacksmith shop is in [ZONE_VARANAS WEST WING|Lower City West]. If you can't find it, you can always check your map to find its exact location.
Sys420517_szquest_complete_detailIs that that [110020|Derek] guy again? Why doesn't he take better care of his weapons?
Sys420517_szquest_descHelp [110020|Derek] deliver the [200256|Rusted Weapon] to the owner of the blacksmith shop, [110541|Alden].
Sys420517_szquest_uncomplete_detailAfter entering into the gate of [ZONE_VARANAS|Varanas] walk to [ZONE_VARANAS WEST WING|Lower City West]. You will come across a house with a lot of blacksmith tools lying about; this is the blacksmith shop. Its position has been marked on your map.\n\n[ZONE_VARANAS|Varanas] is one of the most important cities in [ZONE_YGGNO LAND|Candara], offering a wide variety of facilities and services. Almost all of your needs can be met here. Familiarize yourself with the city, as it will greatly benefit you in the long run.