result count: 5

Sys420560_nameKnowledge of the Ancestors
Sys420560_szquest_accept_detailGreat! See, how it fits together!\n\nThis stone tablet records the method to enter the Knowledge of the Elders. Although it is a very ancient script, I have studied this culture for forty years. I will be able to decipher it!\n\nHmmm... This is an ancient magic circle! This is so advanced! Before I saw the Zurhidon disciples moving something about on the stone table, but I didn't know what it was. But it must have been that they moved some device on the table to create this magic circle!\n\nIf that's the case, you should give it a go! Use the stone table to open the Knowledge of the Elders!\n\nOh! Right! Don't forget. You have to take something from [100611|Dorlos] to open the cage. Otherwise I will spend my whole life here.
Sys420560_szquest_complete_detailOh! Great! You did it...\n\nYou just entered the Knowledge of the Elders! The Knowledge of the Elders!\nDo you know how great this is!\nOh my! What I would give to see that legendary place!\n\nOh! Right! You have found the thing you need to break this magic?\nQuickl! Set me free! I need to return to add all this to my research!
Sys420560_szquest_descEnter the Ancestor's Knowledge and obtain [201008|Dorlos' Magic Device]. Use it to break [110251|Philinde's] magic.
Sys420560_szquest_uncomplete_detailI don't know what's in there. You should be careful. Oh, if it's possible, please make some notes for me or bring back some souvenir...