result count: 5

Sys420567_szquest_accept_detailHow come you kill these [<S>100820|Dark Cotton Worms], but they just keep coming?\nDo you want to earn some extra income? These [<S>100820|Dark Cotton Worms] crawl all over the ground here. They're preventing me from building my new house!\nGo and kill the ground-crawling [<S>100820|Dark Cotton Worms]. When I think their numbers have been sufficiently reduced I will compensate you.
Sys420567_szquest_complete_detailYes, their numbers have indeed decreased....\nYou're welcome to come back and find me if you're interested in doing more of this type of work. It's astonishing how quickly these cotton worms grow up....Look! Here comes another one.
Sys420567_szquest_descKill 10 [<S>100820|Dark Cotton Worms] and report back to [111587|Weis Kattin].
Sys420567_szquest_uncomplete_detailOne over here, one over there! Where are they coming from?