result count: 5

Sys420581_nameAnteater Investigation
Sys420581_szquest_accept_detailThough the anteaters in this valley feed on small worms, they are still able to grow very large. It's truly amazing. \n\nBut how long does it take for them to grow so big? This question is very important for zoological research. Generally we could tell how old they are from their teeth, but they have no teeth. So we must determine their age from some other clue, such as the scales.\n\nSo I would like to ask you to gather some [<S>201119|Anteater Scales] for me, so that I can analyze the age of the anteaters here.
Sys420581_szquest_complete_detailThese scales truly are beautiful! Thank you very much for getting these complete scales for me! It will make my analysis much easier.
Sys420581_szquest_descGather 20 [<S>201119|Anteater Scales] and give them to [110026|Gudisen], a biologist in Qilana Camp.
Sys420581_szquest_uncomplete_detailYou see, we can tell the age of an animal from its scales. For example, the scales of fish have annual rings just like trees. So do the shells of turtles. \n\nBut these anteaters are a little different. We must judge their age by observing the degree of wear on the [<S>201119|Anteater Scales], as well as the density of patterns on them, both of which requires extensive experience and knowledge.