result count: 6

EM_420604_0You discovered the Oblivion Shrine altar.
Sys420604_nameSwindler's Request
Sys420604_szquest_accept_detailOh! You look like someone trustworthy. I have a job here. You interested? You're asking me who I am? Where are you from, stranger? How is it possible that you have never heard of the famous archaeologist and discoverer of the [ZONE_TEMPLE OF LOST SOULS|Oblivion Shrine], [110744|Gino]?\n\nForget it. Forget it. I need someone to do something simple for me. My energy compass showed that there are signs of energy fluctuation in the west. Not at the lake, but further north. I don't know exactly where it is, but I want you to investigate it for me first. Remember, I want you to investigate it 'thoroughly!'
Sys420604_szquest_complete_detailWhat did you find?
Sys420604_szquest_descInvestigate the [ZONE_TEMPLE OF LOST SOULS|Oblivion Shrine] in the west of [ZONE_TAGRANAAR|Tagena] and kill 3 [<S>100064|Tagena Patrolmen] and 3 [<S>100065|Tagena Wanderers].
Sys420604_szquest_uncomplete_detailYou haven't gone yet? What on earth are you waiting for...?