result count: 5

Sys420684_nameThe Secret of Bear Paws
Sys420684_szquest_accept_detailThe bears in [ZONE_MOONHOLLOW FOREST|New Moon Forest] are very fierce. You'd better be careful!\n\nIf they don't frighten you, then let's make a deal. Bring me 12 [<S>202020|Sharpclaw Bear Paws].\n\nAs to what these bear paws are for, well, it'd be better if you're not too curious. Bring the bear paws to me and then I will tell you.
Sys420684_szquest_complete_detailHahaa! This is just the kind I need! Thank you!\n\nCome! Here is your reward, take it!
Sys420684_szquest_descHelp [111010|Luke] in [ZONE_MOONHOLLOW FOREST|New Moon Forest] Camp by bringing him 12 [<S>202020|Sharpclaw Bear Paws].
Sys420684_szquest_uncomplete_detailIf you aren't afraid of those Sharpclaw Bears in [ZONE_MOONHOLLOW FOREST|New Moon Forest], let's make a deal. Bring me 12 [<S>202020|Sharpclaw Bear Paws], and I'll make it worth your while.