result count: 5

Sys420685_nameShaggy Bear Threat
Sys420685_szquest_accept_detailDamn! \n\nThe skin of those shaggy bears is very tough. And they possess enormous strength as well, always ruining our hunting traps. Look at this! The whole trap has been warped! It's awful!\n\nIf this keeps up, the money I spend on repairing these traps will be more than the money I can bring in hunting. So I figured, why not take a little money and pay somebody to help me get rid of those shaggy bears, so that they won't put me out of business!\n\nYou heard it! I will pay! You'll help me, won't you? This money should be enough for you to kill 12 [<S>100226|Shaggy Bears] for me!
Sys420685_szquest_complete_detailYou did it! I'm impressed!\n\nHere is the money I promised. Take it with my thanks!
Sys420685_szquest_descHelp [111013|Dishark] in [ZONE_ARGENFALL|Silverfall] to kill 12 [<S>100226|Shaggy Bears].
Sys420685_szquest_uncomplete_detailDid you say that the skin of the [<S>100226|Shaggy Bears] can be used as material? That's true I suppose... But next time! In order to be useful, the skin must be properly prepared so it can be stored for a long time. Otherwise, it will start to rot.