result count: 5

Sys420687_nameJardinería dedicadaSerious Gardening
Sys420687_szquest_accept_detailLa Maleza demoníaca que hay en el Bosque de la Luna Nueva no deja de proliferar. \n\nAunque Pendock ha contratado a gente para acabar con estos hierbajos, no se ha dado cuenta de que han empezado a crecer junto al [ZONE_LAKE STILLA|Lago del Silencio Eterno] y que han empezado a aparecer brotes.\n\nSi veis [<S>202048|Brotes de Maleza demoníaca], por favor, arrancadlos. Recoged 10 y traédmelos para que pueda destruirlos.The Demon Weed in New Moon Forest is growing more and more rampant. \n\nThough Pendock employs people to get rid of these weeds, he hasn't noticed that they have started to grow by the [ZONE_LAKE STILLA|Lake of Eternal Silence], and that some seedlings have even been appearing.\n\nIf you do see any [<S>202048|Demon Weed Seedlings], please pull them out for me. Gather 10 of them and bring them back to me so that I can destroy them.
Sys420687_szquest_complete_detailMirad estos pequeños brotes. Cuesta imaginar que se convertirían en esos feroces monstruos. \n\nGracias por vuestra ayuda. Destruiré estos brotes inmediatamente.Look at these little seedlings. It is hard to imagine that would grow into those ferocious monsters. \n\nThank you for your help. I will destroy these seedlings immediately.
Sys420687_szquest_descArrancad 10 [<S>202048|Brotes de Maleza demoníaca] en la orilla del [ZONE_LAKE STILLA|Lago del Silencio Eterno] y entregádselos a [111011|Halissa] en [ZONE_ARGENFALL|Cascadargentada].Pull out 10 [<S>202048|Demon Weed Seedlings] on the bank of [ZONE_LAKE STILLA|Lake of Eternal Silence] and give them to [111011|Halissa] in [ZONE_ARGENFALL|Silverfall].
Sys420687_szquest_uncomplete_detailEl [ZONE_LAKE STILLA|Lago del Silencio Eterno] está al este de nuestro pueblo. Los brotes de Maleza demoníaca se encuentran principalmente en la orilla meridional.The [ZONE_LAKE STILLA|Lake of Eternal Silence] is to the east of our village. The Demon Weed seedlings are mainly along the southern shore.