result count: 4

Sys420688_nameThe Road After
Sys420688_szquest_accept_detailYou now have a new class. How do you feel? Do you feel like you're already getting stronger?\n\nBut this is not enough. If you don't continue to practice your new class, you won't reach your full potential.\n\nYou should have already learned how to change classes from the class instructor. The [110581|Class Administrator] behind me will also help you. Next I'll teach you how to train yourself.\n\nAfter changing classes, many people run into a problem - they find the local area inhospitable. This is a good time to go back to a suitable place to practice your new class.\n\nWhen you chose your first new class, the class instructor gave you some spells that will allow you to return to a suitable place to practice.\n\nOne of these will send you to the place where your training began.\n\nAnother will transport you to [ZONE_REIFORT POINT|Reifort Camp], a caravan campsite in [ZONE_SASCILIA STEPPES|Sascilia Steppes]. There you'll meet the Order of Dark Glory, as well as a race called the Whitefurs.\n\nIf you discover that your class instructor did not give you these spells, then just come to me and I'll teach you.\n\nNow that I've explained all of this, do you understand your choices?
Sys420688_szquest_complete_detailVery good. Congratulations once again on your new class.\n\nIf you work hard, I'm sure you'll become an outstanding adventurer.
Sys420688_szquest_descTell [110167|Daris] you understand what she's said.