result count: 5

Sys420712_namePosting Quests
Sys420712_szquest_accept_detailRecently the number of Fungi and Wolf Cubs seems to be increasing. And my allergies to spores and animal hair are NOT getting any better. I want to find a few more adventurers to eliminate the Fungi and Wolf Cubs in the area. \n\nI have written two [<S>201289|Daily Quest Posters]. Please help me place them on the [110583|Pioneers Colony Bulletin Board] near the front gate of [ZONE_HINTERVALE|Pioneers Colony].\n\nDon't know where the Bulletin Board is? [110076|Norsca] is looking at the Bulletin Board right now.
Sys420712_szquest_complete_detailYou have found the [110583|Pioneers Colony Bulletin Board]. You also found the most conspicuous place to put the [201289|Daily Quest Poster] given to you by [110482|Leighton].\n\n\n<CS>Quests\nEvery town has a Bulletin Board where residents can post tasks they need help with. Completing any of these tasks will result in a reward of some sort.</CS>
Sys420712_szquest_descGo to the front gate of [ZONE_HINTERVALE|Pioneers Colony] and post the [201289|Daily Quest Poster] on the [110583|Pioneers Colony Bulletin Board] for [110482|Leighton].
Sys420712_szquest_uncomplete_detailYou see the [110583|Pioneers Colony Bulletin Board] with many posters of different sizes on it.