result count: 6

SAY_420733_0Let us acclaim the hero, [$VAR1], who defeated the Queen of the Harpies, [100450|Ayelo]!
Sys420733_nameProof of Defeating the Harpy Queen
Sys420733_szquest_accept_detailYou successfully defeated Harpy Queen [100450|Ayelo] and obtained her feather as proof!\n\nThis achievement should be publicly announced in [ZONE_OBSIDIAN BASTION|Obsidian Stronghold]! Bring back this feather to [ZONE_OBSIDIAN BASTION|Obsidian Stronghold] and show it to the Order of Dark Glory's leader, [110317|Lajos Halka]!
Sys420733_szquest_complete_detail*Cough cough*...\n\nYoung people are so reckless, but courageous!\n\nNot being afraid of anything is a strength of being young! *Cough cough*...I will reward your courage by spreading news of your victory throughout [ZONE_OBSIDIAN BASTION|Obsidian Stronghold] to restore the adventurous spirit within the Order of Dark Glory! *Cough cough*...
Sys420733_szquest_descBring [201635|Ayelo's Feather] back to [ZONE_OBSIDIAN BASTION|Obsidian Stronghold]. Report back to [110317|Lajos Halka] and show him your pride.
Sys420733_szquest_uncomplete_detail*Cough cough*...\n\nYou said that you defeated [100450|Ayelo]... Even though I trust you...\n\nIf other people are to believe this, they will need undeniable proof...