result count: 5

Sys420742_nameDaliff's Bounty
Sys420742_szquest_accept_detailYou dig up the mound and found a body and a package that seems to have been destroyed by a beast. There is only some cloth left in the package and there seems to be a piece of paper, that looks like a bounty flyer, in the victim's hand.\n\nThe bounty flyer has the name "Daliff" on the front and the bounty amount on the back as well as the distributor's name, "[110921|Ayren]".\n\nThere might be a connection between the bounty and the body that you found at [ZONE_HAWKS SCAR|Hawk's Cliff].\n\nMaybe you should go to the address in [ZONE_KARZAK CAMP|Karzak Camp] written on the flyer and ask [110921|Ayren] about it.
Sys420742_szquest_complete_detailI need to thank you.\n\nThis bounty flyer was originally given to the Order of Dark Glory's secret bounty hunter. The body you found may be his remains. But as you have determined, the person who buried the body has already died in [ZONE_HAWKS SCAR|Hawk's Cliff].\n\nI believe that person was Daliff...\n\nThe reward was going to be given to the bounty hunter, but since Daliff is already dead and you were the one who discovered the body, let's just say that you completed the assignment. Please accept this reward money!
Sys420742_szquest_descBring the bounty flyer to [ZONE_KARZAK CAMP|Karzak Camp] and give it to [110921|Ayren].
Sys420742_szquest_uncomplete_detailAdventurer, have you seen a man wearing all black? His name is Daliff and I am looking for him.