result count: 5

Sys420749_nameFlashing Scale Iguana Leather
Sys420749_szquest_accept_detailIn addition to the plateau iguana, there is another type of [100446|Flashing Scale Iguana] on [ZONE_ZHILARA HEIGHTS|Khalara Plateau]. This type of iguana seems to have evolved from plateau iguanas. In addition to water retaining properties, its skin is extremely smooth and soft, making it even more suitable for clothing.\n\nIf possible, I hope that you can go to [ZONE_ZHILARA HEIGHTS|Khalara Plateau] and get 8 [<S>201638|Flashing Scale Iguana Skins] to make something special...
Sys420749_szquest_complete_detailThank you again for your help. I plan on making special clothing for female members of the research team once it has been pressed into leather.\n\nWomen generally need different types of armor to men, so shiny scaled iguana leather is needed.
Sys420749_szquest_descGo to [ZONE_ZHILARA HEIGHTS|Khalara Plateau] to get 8 [<S>201638|Flashing Scale Iguana Skins] and give it to ecological researcher [110891|Lotus].
Sys420749_szquest_uncomplete_detailI hope that you can go to [ZONE_ZHILARA HEIGHTS|Khalara Plateau] and get 8 [<S>201638|Flashing Scale Iguana Skins] for me to make something special...