result count: 5

Sys420779_nameAnt Queen's Larva
Sys420779_szquest_accept_detailCan I call you a "good friend"? Thank you for preparing the team members' gifts, you really helped me out!\n\nActually ... I would also like a gift, something all Myrmex researchers want, and that is the "[100160|Kal Turok Myrmex Queen]." Perhaps I'm too greedy ... I want to publish a report on the Queen's growth process, so I need a [201662|Myrmex Queen Larva].\n\nThe Myrmex that hatch from eggs are just "regular" Myrmex, while the Queen's larva hatches inside her body before being born, devouring her body as it grows, to ensure that there is only ever one Queen. Unfortunately, all of this is just my hypothesis...\n\nOh, my good friend, can you go to [ZONE_KALTUROK HIVE|Kal Turok Hive], battle the [100160|Kal Turok Myrmex Queen], and bring back a [201662|Myrmex Queen Larva]? Then I can finish my research report!\n\nAlso, you must remember that the Queen is very violent. You should prepare first. Put together a team before going to challenge her. I look forward to your return, my friend.
Sys420779_szquest_complete_detailOh... Good friend, I can't believe it really. You have actually brought back a [201662|Myrmex Queen Larva] for me. I really don't know how I can show my gratitude to you. I will not forget about your friendship all my life!
Sys420779_szquest_descHelp [110342|Harlem], captain of the Ecology Research Team, and go to the [ZONE_KALTUROK HIVE|Kal Turok Hive]. Challenge [100160|Kal Turok Myrmex Queen] and obtain a [201662|Myrmex Queen Larva].
Sys420779_szquest_uncomplete_detailGood friend! You must remember. The Queen is very fierce. You'd better be prepared. Get enough people to go there. I will be looking forward to your return, good friend...