result count: 5

Sys420810_nameTroll Bait
Sys420810_szquest_accept_detail([112534|Aymon Carledo] seems to be distressed.)\n\nIn all these years, I have fought so many fiends that I can't even count them. But I would never have thought that there would be someone as painstaking as these guys.\n\nYou know what I mean.\n\nRight, I am talking about trolls. Those big sized, nasty and stinky fellows. \n\nThis is not the first time I have faced these trolls, but the trolls in this forest are really different.\n\nBut, before telling anybody about my assumptions, I need to do some experiments to prove my hypothesis first. There is a predator in the forest to the east of the camp. It is called [101794|Stripy Sawmouth]. I need 6 samples of [<S>204424|Stripy Sawmouth Meat] to make some bait for my experiments. Can you help me with that?
Sys420810_szquest_complete_detailI knew you wouldn't be deterred by those guys. Now I can move on to the next step...
Sys420810_szquest_descHelp [112534|Aymon Carledo] in the camp on the northern shore of the [ZONE_LAKE BUNGA|Bunga Lake] and go to the [ZONE_FOREST OF WHISPERS|Muttering Forest] in the east to get 6 pieces of [204424|Stripy Sawmouth Meat].
Sys420810_szquest_uncomplete_detailWatch out for those [<S>101794|Stripy Sawmouths'] teeth. They can easily disembowel you...