result count: 5

Sys420834_nameAngry Jekarce
Sys420834_szquest_accept_detailI have observed this monster from afar, and discovered that it can be found between the [ZONE_RIMEWOOD VALE|Frostwood Valley] and the [ZONE_FIELDS OF SNOW|Sea of Snow].\n\nWear this [201836|Willpower Amulet]. It will prevent you from getting knocked out by the wind his fists create.\n\nIts name is [100677|Angry Jekarce]. I hope you return victorious.
Sys420834_szquest_complete_detailWhen you killed Jekarce, it's power returned to the monster compendium.\n\nWhat I didn't expect is that I am able to use this power.\n\nI have nothing with which to reward your bravery but I can turn this power into a small amulet, which will protect you on your journey.
Sys420834_szquest_descGo to the border between the [ZONE_FIELDS OF SNOW|Sea of Snow] and the [ZONE_RIMEWOOD VALE|Frostwood Valley], defeat [100677|Angry Jekarce], and then report back to [110973|Catherine Norley].
Sys420834_szquest_uncomplete_detailBe strong! I will pray for you!