result count: 5

Sys420837_nameWitch Queen Lemislive
Sys420837_szquest_accept_detailThis is the [201837|Grounding Amulet] mentioned in the monster compendium. Now you can't be forcibly transported!\n\nRemember not to lose it! Good luck to you...
Sys420837_szquest_complete_detailOnce you killed [100678|Lemislive], her power returned to the monster compendium.\n\nWhat I didn't expect is that I am now able to use this power.\n\nI have nothing with which to reward your bravery, but I can turn this power into a small amulet, which will protect you on your journeys.
Sys420837_szquest_descDefeat [100678|Lemislive]. Report back to [110974|Jenny Norley] when you succeed.
Sys420837_szquest_uncomplete_detailI know how difficult it is, but you must keep trying!