result count: 4

Sys420838_nameHouse Maid
Sys420838_szquest_accept_detailOh yes, have you seen the House Maid, [110773|Meydo]?\n\nThat lovely little lady helps new adventurers apply for a house, so that everybody can have a place to rest. After applying for a house, she will also give you a 20-slot [201383|Storage Chest] to store your surplus items in. \n\nSo don't forget to go see her before you leave. You will find having a house very helpful on your journeys!
Sys420838_szquest_complete_detailDo you own a house? If not, then what are you waiting for? Come with me to apply for one!\n\nAfter you acquire a home, remember to check back often to see how it is looking.\n\n\n<CS>About Houses for Personal Use\nThe house refers to a private space everyone is able to apply for. \n\nYou can decorate this space however you wish. Decorating your home with rare furniture may also bring you additional benefits! \n\nOwning a house is not only important, but it is one of the necessary aspects to fully immersing yourself within the game world, as well as a great way to get the most out of it.</CS>
Sys420838_szquest_descFind the House Maid [110773|Meydo] and learn how to acquire a home.