result count: 5

Sys420899_nameTime to Return
Sys420899_szquest_accept_detail[112302|Tabobi Sagan] asked you to give this note to me.\n\nThen give it to me right away! You shouldn't hesitate...\n\nI thought you were giving me the water to be kind but then this...\n\nThere was something in that water, am I right? Why else would I be feeling a bit dizzy now? And you go and hit me! Ah!\n\nBut I am not ungrateful. You helped me out a lot so I will not argue with you this time. Say this to [112302|Tabobi Sagan], when I am well, then I will go back to save him. Tell him to hold on a little longer.\n\nOh... There is no hope with my queen... Perhaps it is time to return...
Sys420899_szquest_complete_detailAh. Just as I thought. He will return.\n\nVery good. Hitting him about a bit was just something I've always wanted to do. A servant could never raise their hand to their master. I'm sure you understand how I feel, though? This is why I asked you to help me.\n\nPlease don't ever tell him!
Sys420899_szquest_descLet [112302|Tabobi Sagan] know the news about [112305|Claus Diersen].
Sys420899_szquest_uncomplete_detailJudging by the time, he should be quitting about now. My note will have pushed him. I'm very sure that I've succeeded.