result count: 5

Sys420902_nameEnough Courage to Survive
Sys420902_szquest_accept_detailIf you could get here, this means you're not just any ordinary fellow. Since this is the case, I have prepared a difficult task for you.\n\n\n\nGo to the [ZONE_FIELDS OF SNOW|Sea of Snow] and get 20 bottles of [204087|Winter Spider Poison] from the [<S>100368|Ystra Winter Spiders]!\n\n\n\nI have to say. I am getting fond of these little fellows the more I get to look at them.
Sys420902_szquest_complete_detailOh, is this really the [204087|Winter Spider Poison] from the [<S>100368|Ystra Winter Spiders] that I have been longing for all this time?!\n\nCough, right, this is astonishing. I acknowledge your capability and will not argue with you any further.
Sys420902_szquest_descGo to the [ZONE_FIELDS OF SNOW|Sea of Snow] and take 20 bottles of [204087|Poison] from the [<S>100368|Ystra Winter Spiders]! Go back to [ZONE_SNOWFIELD OUTPOST|Sea of Snow Camp] and report to [112465|Mary-Ann Lewinsky] afterwards.
Sys420902_szquest_uncomplete_detailI really want to see whether you can accomplish this mission, hehe.