result count: 5

Sys420904_nameUn mundo en blanco y negroA Black and White World
Sys420904_szquest_accept_detail¿El objetivo de vuestro entrenamiento? Veamos...\nQué extraño me resulta... Ahora mismo no se me ocurre ninguno.\n\nNo sé qué me pasa. Id al [ZONE_FIELDS OF SNOW|Mar de Nieve], cazad 15 [<S>100365|Cíclopes del Mar de Nieve] y volved.The subject of your training? Let me see ...\nWell this is really strange, I just can't think of any.\n\nI can't help it. Go to the [ZONE_FIELDS OF SNOW|Sea of Snow], hunt 15 [<S>100365|Sea of Snow Cyclopes] and come back.
Sys420904_szquest_complete_detailSois una máquina... Habéis logrado superar todas las fases del entrenamiento.Woah, no one can top you. You actually were able to complete the whole training.
Sys420904_szquest_descId al [ZONE_FIELDS OF SNOW|Mar de Nieve] y cazad 15 [100365|Cíclopes]. Después, informad de vuestro éxito a [112466|Rachel Green].Go to the [ZONE_FIELDS OF SNOW|Sea of Snow] and hunt 15 [<S>100365|Cyclopes]. Report to [112466|Rachel Greng] afterwards.
Sys420904_szquest_uncomplete_detailEs un secreto, pero os diré que estamos buscando a alguien con tan buenas habilidades como vos. \nSi os interesa descubrir los misterios que yacen tras el blanquecino manto del [ZONE_FIELDS OF SNOW|Mar de Nieve], avisadme.To tell you in secret, we are actually looking for a capable adventurer like you are. \nIf you are interested in finding out about the mysteries of the [ZONE_FIELDS OF SNOW|Sea of Snow] with us, just tell us.