result count: 5

Sys420923_name¿Amigo o enemigo?Friend or Foe?
Sys420923_szquest_accept_detailA... a mí nunca se me hubiera ocurrido, pero [112568|Loluka] tiene razón... Si os vestís con esas ropas y accesorios, tendréis el aspecto de un pirata.\n\n¡Id a la entrada de la cueva que hay al sureste del [ZONE_ANARO OUTPOST|Puesto fronterizo Ayal] y esperad allí! Ése es el campamento de vigilancia de [101709|Kirk Melor]. Espero que [101709|Kirk Melor] no se acerque a vos por su cuenta. (Parece afligido). Si de verdad es un traidor, no lo perdonaremos...I...I never thought about it, but [112568|Loluka] has a point...if you wear these clothes and accessories, you should look like a pirate.\n\nGo to the mouth of the cave southeast of the [ZONE_ANARO OUTPOST|Ayal Outpost] and wait! That's [101709|Kirk Melor's] monitoring station. I hope [101709|Kirk Melor] doesn't approach you on his own. (He looks sad) If he's really a traitor, we won't forgive him...
Sys420923_szquest_complete_detailUn traidor... Gracias a dios que lo descubristeis a tiempo, si no... bueno, ¡prefiero no pensar en ello!\n\nQuedaos con este equipo. Tal y como están las cosas, no podemos desperdiciar recursos.A traitor... Thank goodness you found him out in time, or...well, I don't want to think about it!\n\nYou keep this equipment. With things the way they are, we can't waste any resources.
Sys420923_szquest_descId a la entrada de la cueva situada al sureste del [ZONE_ANARO OUTPOST|Puesto fronterizo Ayal] y haced uso del [204418|Instrumento de camuflaje]. Si [101709|Kirk Melor] es de verdad un traidor, matadlo y llevadle su equipo a [112568|Loluka Nilo] hasta el campamento de guardia al sureste del [ZONE_BLACKMIRE|Pueblo Laguna de Barro] como prueba.Go to the mouth of the cave southeast of the [ZONE_ANARO OUTPOST|Ayal Outpost] and use the [204418|Camouflage Tool]. If [101709|Kirk Melor] is a traitor, kill him and take his equipment back to [112568|Loluka Nilo] at the guard station southeast of [ZONE_BLACKMIRE|Mudpond Village] as proof.
Sys420923_szquest_uncomplete_detail¿Cómo va todo, [$PLAYERNAME]?How are things, [$PLAYERNAME]?