result count: 10

SC_420938_0[101801|Morcus Beast] has lost control and broken out of the magic shield!
SC_420938_1Who dares to disturb my lab?
SC_420938_2You have some skills, but that alone isn't enough to break this body the master bestowed upon me.
SC_420938_3Goodbye foolish mortals!
SC_420938_4[101801|Morcus Beast's] body couldn't withstand his own power and collapsed
Sys420938_nameCut Off At The Source
Sys420938_szquest_accept_detailFrom the intelligence received, these Zurhidon people are making something dangerous - [<S>101801|Morcus Beasts].\n\nThe reason they stole the bodies is probably...ah...\n\nPutting aside [112670|Crazy Spog], as human beings, we can't let these kinds of things happen, and [<S>101801|Morcus Beasts] are too dangerous!\n\nIn short, we must stop them. Fortunately, from the materials you retrieved, we know that only their leader, [101774|Carlos Matteo] can complete the last step of making the [<S>101801|Morcus Beasts]. So, we have to take care of [101774|Carlos Matteo] first.\n\nThe construction site... Let me should be in a secret valley south of the [ZONE_NAGA OUTPOST|Naga Outpost].\n\nNow I need you to find some people to create a disturbance. For example...destroy some of the uncompleted [<S>101801|Morcus Beasts]. That should draw out [101774|Carlos Matteo], then...\n\n([112646|Ladi Hiray] draws his thumb across his throat.)\n\nThis is a dangerous quest, so be careful, and good luck!
Sys420938_szquest_complete_detail[101774|Carlos Matteo] got away? It's OK. It's not your fault. We don't sufficiently understand the enemy.\n\nBut by destroying the uncompleted [<S>101801|Morcus Beasts], we've avoided a crisis.\n\n([112646|Ladi Hiray] smiles bitterly.)
Sys420938_szquest_descGo to the valley south of the [ZONE_NAGA OUTPOST|Naga Outpost], destroy some [<S>101801|Morcus Beasts], draw out [101774|Carlos Matteo], and kill him. Then, report back to [112646|Ladi Hiray] in the abandoned village at the [ZONE_CHAPARRAL QUAGMIRE|Jungle Marsh].
Sys420938_szquest_uncomplete_detailI want to help you, but when I went back to camp to gather intelligence I received another mission. I have the responsibility to take care of that situation first.