result count: 5
keystring | eneu |
Sys420941_name | Green Leaf Dewdrop |
Sys420941_szquest_accept_detail | I recently heard that there has been a strange fever going around [ZONE_ARGENFALL|Silverfall]. None of the doctors' medicine is effective. It's said that the only way to be cured is to drink the early morning dew from green leaves.\n\nIf you have picked up any [<S>205084|Green Leaf Dewdrops], could you give me one?\nWith this, I'm sure the doctors will be able to come up with some medicine to treat this strange illness!\n\n<CS>(After completing this quest, your planting level limit will be raised to 40.)</CS> |
Sys420941_szquest_complete_detail | So this is a [205084|Green Leaf Dewdrop]!\nThe citizens of [ZONE_ARGENFALL|Silverfall] certainly won't forget your kind deeds!\n\n<CN>[$PLAYERNAME]</CN>, to thank you, I'll give you these seeds and impart you with some higher-level knowledge about planting!\nAfter you understand this, I think you'll be able to plant more kinds of crops and obtain a greater yield. |
Sys420941_szquest_desc | Please plant crops, then collect a [205084|Green Leaf Dewdrop] and give it to [113088|Ryan Glin]. |
Sys420941_szquest_uncomplete_detail | 1 [205084|Green Leaf Dewdrop] is needed to make medicine. I think this won't be a problem for you! |