result count: 4

Sys420949_nameQuest to the Infernal Gate
Sys420949_szquest_accept_detailConsidering that the incident occurred at the [ZONE_INFERNAL GATE|Infernal Gate], there might still be some clues there.\n\nI will send someone to find that shaman called [113471|Kanya]. As for the [ZONE_INFERNAL GATE|Infernal Gate], I want you to go there and make a detailed investigation of the site.\n\nAs there's a chance of coming across Flame Devils, I'd feel uneasy about sending anyone else. Please, you must accept this task.
Sys420949_szquest_complete_detailYou have found a [113470|Strange Metal Fragment]. Although the fragment glimmers like freshly forged steel, it is inscribed with ancient writing.\n\nMaybe it's the Zurhidon experiment data that [113455|Apat] spoke of...
Sys420949_szquest_descGo to the [ZONE_INFERNAL GATE|Infernal Gate] in the south of the [ZONE_DEADWOOD GROVE|Dead Tree Plains] and look for any clues.