result count: 7

SAY_420968_0The fungi guarding the nest intend to stop you ...
SAY_420968_1The frogs Ottade gave you are used up!
Sys420968_nameRecipe for Destruction
Sys420968_szquest_accept_detailWe have thought of a way to deal with the Dwarves!\n\nSoaking the hairy frogs in a special potion will not only suppress the small fungi from growing, it will also give out a smell which attracts anteaters! \n\nJust put these hairy frogs in a [110679|Place to bury an item] in the [ZONE_THE CRUMBLING DIG|Derelict Mine]. But we need a brave man to do this dangerous job.
Sys420968_szquest_complete_detailI am deeply impressed by your courage. With your help, I believe our camp may be able to regain a sense of peace yet!
Sys420968_szquest_descTake 12 [<S>201974|Soaked Hairy Frogs] and put them inside a [110679|Place to bury an item] of the Valley Dwarves. Eliminate the [<S>100725|Green Spotted Fungus Guards].
Sys420968_szquest_uncomplete_detailI know it is a very dangerous job! (He pats you on the shoulder...)