result count: 6

Sys420973_nameRest in Peace
Sys420973_shortnoteKill Dragonflies and Take Their Wings
Sys420973_szquest_accept_detailMy best friend has died... I know I should be upset, but... that is life. We all die sooner or later. We Aslan hunters know this all too well.\n\nAll I can do now is to wish him a pleasant journey... There is a legend in our tribe that if we bury the eyes of dragonflies with the deceased, they will be able to find their way to paradise easier.\n\nPlease bring back some [<S>202044|Dragonfly Eyeballs] for me, ok?
Sys420973_szquest_complete_detailMy dear friend... I pray these eyes light up the road for your soul so that you can find your way to paradise.
Sys420973_szquest_descCollect some [<S>202044|Dragonfly Eyeballs] from [<S>100568|Aslan Dragonflies].
Sys420973_szquest_uncomplete_detailI hope you can bring back the eyes I asked for before the funeral.