result count: 6

Sys420974_nameWeapons Equal Survival
Sys420974_shortnoteKill Goblins and Take Their Weapons
Sys420974_szquest_accept_detailMankind can only rely on manmade tools to survive in this harsh environment! \n\nThe goblins may be disgusting, but they have made many superior weapons... I've also heard that the weapons used by the guards deep in the camp are even better.\n\nCan you bring back some of these weapons for me? I will pay a good price for them!
Sys420974_szquest_complete_detailOh! You did it? Let me see... This is great! These are the weapons I wanted!
Sys420974_szquest_descGo to [ZONE_THE STIRRING TUNNEL|Rumpus Mine] and kill the [<S>100215|Hammertooth Guards] to obtain 13 [<S>202045|Elaborate Goblin Weapons].
Sys420974_szquest_uncomplete_detailWhy are you still here? When can I have my new weapons?