result count: 5
keystring | eneu |
Sys420987_name | Strange Scales |
Sys420987_szquest_accept_detail | You've seen the [ZONE_SCAR OF DESPAIR|Scar of Despair] in the north haven't you?! I don't know when those Scalok appeared. They are truly ugly. Help me get 15 [<S>202168|Scalok Scales] so I can thoroughly research this. |
Sys420987_szquest_complete_detail | You truly are amazing. So, where did these Scalok come from? |
Sys420987_szquest_desc | [111022|Sita] wants you to go to the [ZONE_SCAR OF DESPAIR|Scar of Despair] and obtain 15 [<S>202168|Scalok Scales]. |
Sys420987_szquest_uncomplete_detail | ........ |