result count: 5

Sys421003_nameSita's Dolls
Sys421003_szquest_accept_detailUmm...I don't know if you have time. I lost a box yesterday at the [ZONE_SCAR OF DESPAIR|Scar of Despair]. Can you go to the [ZONE_SCAR OF DESPAIR|Scar of Despair] and look for it for me?\nAfter you find it, be sure that you don't open the box. Just bring it back to me quickly.
Sys421003_szquest_complete_detailWhy did you open it? Honestly! Give it to me. Be sure to not let anyone else know I'm addicted to collecting dolls.
Sys421003_szquest_descHelp [111022|Sita] find his [202156|Chest Full of Dolls].
Sys421003_szquest_uncomplete_detailRemember you may not open the box.