result count: 5

Sys421011_nameThe Second Item of the Ceremony
Sys421011_szquest_accept_detailThe second thing we need to conduct the ceremony is a kind of Yellow Juice that can be extracted from [202223|Marsh Fern]. Collect 10 [<S>111086|Marsh Ferns] from nearby and come back!\nOr you could spend some money and buy them from the [ZONE_BAND OF THE ROSE|Rose Caravan]. If you ask a decent price, they will be willing to give them to you.
Sys421011_szquest_complete_detailYou really can get things done! Now then, next I will tell you the extraction process!
Sys421011_szquest_descCollect 10 [<S>111086|Marsh Ferns] and bring them back to bard [111053|Fares Mitten].
Sys421011_szquest_uncomplete_detailNear [ZONE_FAUKOR|Fogur Marsh] you can find [202223|Marsh Fern] all over. If you make a circle around you'll find it is abundant. Or you can spend money and purchase it from [ZONE_BAND OF THE ROSE|Rose Caravan]. If you ask a decent price, they will be willing to give them to you. \nGo quickly!