result count: 5

Sys421039_nameCarrion helper
Sys421039_szquest_accept_detailThis is [114592|Midnight's] commission. He wants to buy a special...little thing. Let's speak softly, so as not to spoil the customers' appetites.\n\nActually, this thing isn't rare at all, it's a special kind of maggot. The problem is that not many people are willing to go catch them, and there's nowhere to buy them, so this is the only way to get them.\n\nThese things only live on [<S>103534|Sewer Mud Monsters] in the [ZONE_DNG_DAELANIS_SEWER|Dalanis Sewers]. [114592|Midnight] considered raising them himself, but when taken away from [<S>103534|Sewer Mud Monsters], they don't even lay eggs. Strange, isn't it?
Sys421039_szquest_complete_detailThe last time I went to [114592|Midnight's] place, I heard him inside reading something..."The bones have been picked completely clean. Ordinary maggots definitely couldn't do such a beautiful job. When Elizabeth was alive, I never thought she'd be so white and skinny one day..." And then a series of chilling laughs.\n\nYou don't liver nearly jumped out. I don't even want to think about what he was saying.
Sys421039_szquest_descKill [<S>103534|Sewer Mud Monsters], collect 5 sealed bags of [<S>206188|Special Maggots], and give them to [114419|Rohan Tefugai].
Sys421039_szquest_uncomplete_detailIf you bring those things back, please remember to seal the bags. We don't want to ruin everyone's appetite, right?