result count: 5
keystring | es | eneu |
Sys421059_name | Conseguir raciones de comida | Store Emergency Rations |
Sys421059_szquest_accept_detail | Me da un poco de vergüenza, pero en este campamento hay cierta carencia de raciones de comida. Sé que el general Ayren están muy ocupado encargándose de los Cuernonegros. No tengo el coraje suficiente para ir a molestarle por algo tan trivial. ¿Os podría pedir un favor? \nId a [ZONE_KHANT|Khant], robad 10 [<S>202267|Raciones de combate Capra] a los Cuernonegros y traédmelas de vuelta ¿Lo haréis por mí, por favor? | This may be a little embarrassing, but this military camp is facing a shortage of rations. I know general Ayren is already busy dealing with the Blackhorns. I really don't have the courage to go and ask him for help with this small matter. Can I ask you for a favor? \nPlease go and steal 10 [<S>202267|Capra Marching Rations] from the Blackhorns in [ZONE_KHANT|Khant] and bring them back to me. If they don't have them with them, there should be some in the supply box in their camp. Would you please, good-hearted adventurer? |
Sys421059_szquest_complete_detail | Je, je... Esto les alegrará la hora de la comida. ¡Bien hecho! | Haha. This will go to their hungry mouths. Well done, Adventurer! |
Sys421059_szquest_desc | Conseguid 10 [<S>202267|Raciones de combate Capra] de los Cuernonegros de [ZONE_KHANT|Khant] y entregádselas al oficial de suministros Pielblanca, [111102|Yiwan]. | Obtain 10 [<S>202267|Capra Marching Rations] from the Blackhorns in [ZONE_KHANT|Khant] and bring them back to the Whitefur Supply Master [111102|Yiwan]. |
Sys421059_szquest_uncomplete_detail | No sintáis remordimientos por robarles a estos traidores sin escrúpulos. Esas raciones en realidad eran nuestras. ¡Id a conseguirlas! | Don't feel guilty for robbing from these traitors. Those rations were originally stolen from us. Go and return quickly! |