result count: 5

Sys421061_nameThe Warning
Sys421061_szquest_accept_detailI heard some rumors about you from [111102|Yiwan], Adventurer. I see you have the ability to carry out even more difficult tasks!\nThe Blackhorns have been working round the clock sending their scouts to our camp to gather intelligence. I'm already really annoyed by these sneaky guys!\nGo to [ZONE_KHANT|Khant] and help me slaughter 15 [<S>100808|Blackhorn Skirmishers]! Let them know we are not to be trifled with!
Sys421061_szquest_complete_detailGreat! This will show them that they should keep their distance from our camp!
Sys421061_szquest_descDefeat 15 [<S>100808|Blackhorn Skirmishers] at [ZONE_KHANT|Khant] then come back and report to the Whitefur Guardian captain [111103|Esmond].
Sys421061_szquest_uncomplete_detailWatch out for attacks from those sneaky guys! Their moves are just as treacherous as their behavior!