result count: 5

Sys421067_nameBanksy's Second Idea
Sys421067_szquest_accept_detailKid, are you ready to give the Blackhorns a big surprise? \nI want you to sneak into the Blackhorn Camp at [ZONE_KHANT|Khant] again. Take their [<S>111109|Carrot Buckets] and replace them with these dangerous [<S>202272|Explosive Gunpowder Barrels].\nThat's right! I'm planning on lighting some pretty fireworks in their camp. It will be fun, especially when they put these buckets next to the fire to prepare food. \nI think...10 buckets should be enough. That should make things a little out of control!
Sys421067_szquest_complete_detailHahaha, you really did it? It will certainly add color to their dinner tomorrow night! Great to have you, kid!
Sys421067_szquest_descTake 10 [<S>111109|Carrot Buckets] next to the Blackhorn tents at [ZONE_KHANT|Khant], and replace them with [<S>202272|Explosive Gunpowder Barrels]. Then report back to [111104|Banksy].
Sys421067_szquest_uncomplete_detailDid you place the bombs? If you don't hurry, the blackpowder will get damp from the fog.