result count: 6

ST_421077_ENDYou've severed the catapult's rope, causing it to collapse.
Sys421077_nameGain Back the Control over the Skies
Sys421077_szquest_accept_detailHave you seen the damaged vehicles and tents in our camp? This was all done by those damn [<S>111113|Blackhorn Catapult].\nThe Blackhorn Rebels in [ZONE_KHANT|Khant] use catapults to attack our camp every day. The enemy has the control over the skies, this is really not good!\nSo I want to ask you to go and destroy these [<S>111113|Blackhorn Catapult] for me. Take this [202269|Wrecking Bar] and it should be easy for your to destroy their catapults. Cut down 10 [<S>202539|Catapult Slings] and then we can carry out further plans...
Sys421077_szquest_complete_detailBeautifully done! Adventurer, put this heavy [202269|Wrecking Bar] down. We can now carry out the next step.
Sys421077_szquest_descUse the [202269|Wrecking Bar] to obtain 10 [<S>202539|Catapult Slings] from the [111113|Blackhorn Catapult] in [ZONE_KHANT|Khant]. Then come back and report to Whitefur Guardian Captain [111103|Esmond].
Sys421077_szquest_uncomplete_detailWatch out for the enemy defenders guarding the catapults. They are not easy fellows to deal with...