result count: 4

Sys421087_nameDomatag's Secret
Sys421087_szquest_accept_detailThere is a bag of medicinal herbs on top of the wooden box. Next to the bag is a drawing of a smiling face. You think that his friend probably left these things here. \nWhen you place the food on the box, you hear something stomping through the brush. You turn your head and see a Kobold right before it disappears. \nYou look at the bag of herbs in your hand. Could it be that [111084|Domatag's] friend is a Kobold? You should ask when you go back...
Sys421087_szquest_complete_detailThe herbs! [100893|Phant] knows that I hurt my foot so he prepared some medicine for me! He really is a trusted friend! \nYou're asking if he's a Whitefur? He's not. I'm not friends with Whitefurs. He's a Kobold.
Sys421087_szquest_descTake the [202251|Bag of Herbs] from the top of the wooden box and bring it to [111084|Domatag].