result count: 5

Sys421104_nameThe Wholesaler's Fury
Sys421104_szquest_accept_detailTerrible! The Giant Wolf, that old ewe [111087|Gurla] spoke of really does exist...\nI didn't believe it was so aggressive! If someone defeats that [100821|Wild Mane], I will pay big money for his head!\nHuh? What did I just say? Don't misunderstand me. I wasn't talking about the person's head. I was talking about [202263|Wild Mane's Head]. \nDo you want to accept this quest? Don't worry. I have no need for your head.
Sys421104_szquest_complete_detailHahaha, what Wild Mane? Look at this head! Who can still say he's a mighty spirit? Bah!
Sys421104_szquest_descKill [100821|Wild Mane] and obtain [202263|Wild Mane's Head]. Then report back to the wholesaler, [111088|Hosea Klongen].
Sys421104_szquest_uncomplete_detailTerrible! That damn Wild Mane! I want it to pay for all I've lost!